I've never been good with first impressions, but I'll give this a go.

My name is Ruby, and I'm finally doing something I've wanted to do for about 3 years.

Music has been something prominent in my life since I was born. My dad worked in the music industry for a large record company throughout my childhood so I've always been thoroughly immersed in the world of music from a very young age, ranging from the classic rock that my parents loved to the new music my dad would come home and play after work. I've always been learning how to play instruments (not particularly successfully) and I spend 90% of my day with earphones in listening to anything and everything that comes up on Spotify.
However, it was only recently that I decided, you know what? This is the industry I want to work for, to be involved in, to be a part of. It seemed so obvious but I'd never really considered it until now. Hence, this blog was born.

I want to use this blog to express opinions, to encourage me to listen to new music and go to concerts that I perhaps wouldn't normally, and to generally expand my musical knowledge; but also a large part of this will be used to improve my writing in itself. I'm not the best music writer by any means, so I want to use this blog as a means to improve and maybe eventually I'll consider myself a good writer; who knows?

In a world where a degree is no longer enough, I hope this blog will be a means of helping my way in to the industry as well as something that I can just enjoy doing as a break from normal university work. I talk about music enough out loud, so I might as well write it down.

My first proper post will be in a couple weeks. A band I'm very familiar with are releasing a new album, so I thought that would be a good way to start.
See you then.



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