SONG OF THE DAY ROUNDUP 06/08/2018 - 12/08/2018

I accidentally forgot a couple of days at the beginning of this week, through no fault other than my own forgetfulness. So, this week technically starts on the 8th. Whoops!


My first choice for this week was 'Fading Into Grey' by Billy Lockett. This is yet another song I stumbled upon in the 'New Releases' page on Spotify but I'm sure I've heard it somewhere else but can't put my finger on where. A theme in music at the moment seems to be chilled out songs featuring vocals with a bit of edge to them, that are almost unclassifiable in regards to genre; and this is a style that I'm really enjoying. Lockett's track really is a perfect example of this. One part of the song that I really love is the piano that you can mainly hear in the chorus, as it brings a certain power and emotion to the song that it would be missing without it. It's definitely the type of music I can see myself playing in the background as I do work or write; a song you don't have to listen to intensely to appreciate.

Listen on Spotify HERE


This throwback in particular only goes back to 2015, but it's from a band who have been present in the industry for over 10 years. The Maine are a band that I would say I've dabbled in for a while. I have days of listening to them all the time and then I won't listen again for months, but when I do listen, I really love what I hear. They fit exactly into the category of music that I personally listen to most - soft rock. I also really love the sound of the lead vocalist, John O'Callaghan's voice, as it has something different to it that I can't quite pinpoint but I really love, and that stands out in an industry where a lot of lead singers sound quite similar. I chose 'English Girls' from the album American Candy, as it was the song that introduced me to The Maine in 2015, and it's just a lyrically great, instrumentally sound, catchy song (with a sense of humour too) that represents the band and their sound well. If you've yet to come across The Maine then I would highly recommend giving them a listen, especially if you're into the same soft-rock genre that I am.

Listen on Spotify HERE


Nina Nesbitt is an artist I've been following since her song 'Stay Out', and her new music is a positive progression from this but I'm not complaining in the slightest. The premise of the song reminds me almost of a Dua Lipa 'New Rules' vibe - advice giving for people who are having trouble in love. As I've said beforehand, I love a good guitar in a song, and this is a great example of acoustic chords being used to make a ridiculously catchy song. I had those chords stuck in my head for the rest of the day after listening to this song for the first time. I'm really loving Nesbitt's new sound in general, and there's not a recent song of hers that I have disliked so I'm excited for her upcoming album release. If the songs are a similar ilk to this, then I might be listening to it quite a lot!

Listen on Spotify HERE


The thing that struck me about 'Sniper' was the instrumentals. Straight off the bat from when the song first starts it has these odd but solid instrumentals. The whole song is something different from the norm, from the instrumentals I just described the vocals that I can only say are akin to the music artist Sigrid's. Much like many of the songs I chose: it's catchy. This isn't a bad thing though, catchiness is what gets people to keep listening and I have no doubt that people who listen to this track will keep going back from more. This was yet another artist that I just stumbled upon on Spotify, and I have no idea what the rest of her discography is like, but I'd be intrigued to find out, and especially see if all her music sounds similar to this upbeat and slightly odd track, or whether she's the type of artist to surprise me (which I somehow feel like she is).

Listen on Spotify HERE


I was never one of the people to really jump on the Twenty One Pilots train, which is odd because I was right in the age-range and genre of people that became obsessed with them from when 'Stressed Out' came out, but I've always remained pretty unopinionated on Twenty One Pilots. They're just, fine, I guess? However, I did give their three new tracks a listen just to see what their already progressive music was headed towards with their new album 'Trench'. What really struck me with their new track 'Jumpsuit' was the extraordinarily rocky intro which is replicated after each chorus. Admittedly, I'm no expert on their discography, but it seemed heavier than the stuff I've listened to before. Almost a sound more commonly found in modern British rock than in American pop-rock. The verses remain very classic Twenty One Pilots but I was definitely surprised by the heavier sound and makes me much more excited to hear the rest of the album when it is released. The vocals on the track are somewhat haunting Maybe this will be the era that I become a die-hard fan, who knows?

Listen on Spotify HERE

That's it for this week, hopefully, I'll actually remember to do it daily next week!

Written by Ruby Crowhurst


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