SONG OF THE DAY ROUND UP: 27/08/18 - 02/09/18

Sorry I've not been about for a week or so! But I'm back and I really loved the songs this week, so here goes my song of the week round up!


This was a song I did not expect to see in my new releases. As an avid fan of Fall Out Boy, I heard nothing about a new release yet here it was. 'Lake Effect Kid' was a demo that Fall Out Boy released in their very early days. However, now FOB have decided to release it as a studio-recorded single. Why was this decision made? I have no idea. It seems the EP was released on the day they performed a stadium for the first time in their hometown of Chicago, so maybe they wanted a release to show how far they've come, and to thank the fans that have been there since the beginning. 'Lake Effect Kid' is quintessentially Fall Out Boy; it's not experimental or groundbreaking like their most recent album but it does go back to the original solid pop-punk/rock that Fall Out Boy owned in the mid-2000s. The lyrics back-up the idea that this song release is about the band going back to their roots and are reminiscing about the days before they became the worldwide success they are. Fall Out Boy themselves described the release as 'A Love Letter to Chicago' and that really is the best way to describe the release. Props to them.

Listen on Spotify HERE


From a household name band to a band just on the starting blocks of their career. I hadn't heard of Kashmere before listening to 'Codeine' but I'm definitely invested in their music now. With 'Codeine' Kashmere mixes some psychedelic sounds and a voice from the 80s with a modern indie band instrumental, to somehow create a perfect balance. The track makes you feel like you're traveling back in time but into the future at the same time. The strong drumbeat and chorus are both incredibly catchy, but the general vibe of the entire song is very chilled out. It's the type of song you can imagine being in the background of a chilled drunk gathering at someone's house. Having been through the rest of Kashmere's online discography, 'Codeine' represents the general sound of the band very well, with all their songs containing this 'Back To The Future' vibe. I genuinely have the belief that Kashmere has the potential to be one of the next big British indie bands, so I'd highly recommend keeping an eye on them.

Listen on Spotify HERE


I'll admit it: I was an emo kid that never really listened to Bring Me The Horizon. I don't know how, but they seemed to be one of the bands I just never focused in on. So, admittedly, I don't have a whole lot to compare 'Mantra' too, but maybe that is a good thing. The song features very heavy instrumentals as can always be expected by Bring Me The Horizon, but it has a very listenable quality to it. It's a song clearly meant to be performed in front of big crowds, perhaps festivals, and maybe that is what BMTH are aiming for this time around. It appears to be very cleverly made; there's the qualities of harder rock but also a quality that makes it radio-playable and able to reach out to a wider audience with there being a slight electronic sound in parts too. You can tell that BMTH is aiming high with this release, as I imagine they will be with future releases, and I have no doubt they'll get there. Their upcoming album titled 'Amo' could be the album that really completely solidifies Bring Me The Horizon as a part of the Brit-rock narrative, and I'm excited for them.

Listen on Spotify HERE


I've always found The Script to be a crowd-pleasing band. Nobody dislikes The Script, but I don't know anyone that would list them in a list of their favorite bands. The trio from Ireland have been around for years, and I've consistently listened to them for a good amount of time now. The reason I chose 'For The First Time' this week is that it came on shuffle, and I just really appreciated the incredible narrative of the song. Not a huge amount of songs recently have a good narrative, almost story-telling aspect to them. That's not necessarily a negative thing, but listening to 'For the First Time' really does feel like you've just listened to a short novel, and this is something The Script are consistently good at. They are story-telling musicians, and I want to take a moment to appreciate that. That's all!

Listen on Spotify HERE


Troye Sivan has suddenly become a big name in the industry recently, especially since endorsements from many other pop stars such as Ariana Grande, but Troye Sivan has been hovering in the industry since 2015, and many people (including myself) knew Troye for years before then when he was active as a Youtube personality. Seeing Troye's journey into becoming a serious artist has been really interesting to watch, and he's absolutely made a name for himself with his new album 'Bloom'. I found myself being very drawn to this song. Sivan has a very hypnotizing voice and instrumentals to 'What A Heavenly Way To Die' enhance this. This whole-hearted love song has a very calming sense to it and shows that pop doesn't necessarily have to be upbeat and something to dance to, it can be very versatile, and Sivan has shown this not just on this particular track but across his album. Overall, What A Heavenly Way To Die is a peaceful romantic song that's just really nice to listen to.

Listen on Spotify HERE


Pray is the most recent release from November Lights, a relatively undiscovered band I've been sort-of following for a while. I don't know when or how I stumbled upon them but I did, and now I look forward to the new music they have to offer. The thumping beat of this song is what really caught me first as it really sticks to you and entices you in to see where the rest of the song goes. The vocals are also very recognisable, which is a huge benefit when they're a part of the indie genre which stereotypically has a very specific type of vocal that a lot of bands/artists seem to occupy. The lyrics of 'Pray' show it to be an anthem of recovery and overcoming issues to becoming a new and better person, which is an inspiring concept which they've put into a very catchy and anthemic track. I'm excited to see where future tracks go for November Lights, as I think they really have something going for them here.

Listen on Spotify HERE

That's my round-up of songs for this week.

Follow me on Instagram HERE (@rubyonmusic_) to keep up with my Songs Of The Day as I posted them!

Written by Ruby Crowhurst


  1. I was such a Troye fangirl on Youtube back in the day, agree with all of this! Lots of Love x


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